Charge fee in addition to or in lieu of collecting commissions?
Specific Disclosures or written agreements required to charge fees to a client?
Admin fees for insurance placement?
Charges for services unrelated to the placement of insurance?
Additional licensing required?
Insurance producers may charge fees in addition to receiving commissions. 215 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/500-80.
Yes. If a producer charges any fee or compensation separate from commissions deductible from, or attributable to, premiums on insurance policies or contracts:
It must provide a written disclosure to the consumer or contracting party that clearly specifies the amount or extent of the compensation or fee prior to the delivery of the corresponding policy. A copy of the written disclosure must be maintained by the producer or business entity for a period of 7 years. If the combined compensation or fee exceeds 10% of a directly attributable premium amount of a corresponding contract or policy, the disclosure must also include the signature of the consumer or contracting party. If the policy file contains documentation that the producer performed a service corresponding to the applicable coverage or policy and the written disclosure stated that the fees were fully earned, then those fees shall be fully earned at inception of the disclosure's execution. 215 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 5/500-80.