In 2020, the NABIP Board of Trustees approved a five-year strategic plan to add a number of powerful initiatives to allow us to better serve our members. Since its approval, this new plan, the NABIP Strategic Plan, has been in continual development and implementation with the help of NABIP members nationwide.
One of the first elements of the NABIP Strategic Plan is recognition of the state of change in our world today and the impact it has on both our members and the clients of our members. Our first goal recognizes that the needs and expectations of our members and their clients are changing and that anticipating and planning for those changes is one of the most important things we can do. We can also provide the services that will help our members be the best that they can be in their chosen profession. The NABIP Strategic Plan commits us to anticipate and meet those needs.
One of the most significant developments in terms of change for our members is the increasing number of mergers and acquisitions, both in the broker and consultant community and among healthcare providers, insurers and other players in the healthcare arena. The NABIP Strategic Plan creates systems to better monitor mergers and acquisitions and provides for resources and decision tools to help our members make appropriate decisions in this area.
Another significant area of change for some of our members involves changes or potential changes to compensation structures. Because our members are involved with many different types and sizes of health plans, there are a number of different systems of compensation. State licensing law also has regulations relating to compensation, which differ from state to state. Knowing what compensation structures are available and when to use different types of structures is critical to ensuring that employers and other healthcare consumers can be served effectively for their healthcare needs. The NABIP Strategic Plan creates a database of information to allow members to elect structures that work within their state’s regulatory process and that allow them to continue to serve their client base efficiently and effectively.
NABIP has a longstanding reputation for advocating for employer-sponsored coverage for employees who work for businesses of all sizes. The NABIP Strategic Plan recognizes that employment arrangements and structures are changing, the demographics of the workforce are changing and that this creates changing needs and benefits considerations. It creates a commitment to gather information on trends and the latest tools to address new developments as well as ongoing considerations relating to employer-sponsored plans in order to address the current and future needs of NABIP members and their clients.
Another issue affecting NABIP members, as well as every person in the United States, is major healthcare policy changes. These changes can come from many directions – through a presidential executive order, from a federal agency or from Congress. They can also come from a judicial ruling such as a Supreme Court decision. And they can come from a state government or ballot initiative. The NABIP Strategic Plan continues NABIP’s strong commitment to advocacy on behalf of our members and their clients to ensure the ability of consumers to access private healthcare options, and commits to providing timely information, resources and tools to assist our members with healthcare policy changes large and small.
One other area that is a big part of the NABIP Strategic Plan relates to technological changes and improvements, not only those that relate to the way we operate from a technology standpoint but also expanding that to ongoing analysis of technology and tools that help our members and their clients operate more efficiently. The NABIP Strategic Plan commits to investment in appropriate technology as well as analysis and monitoring on a continuing basis to provide resources for our members on technology options.
Finally, the NABIP Strategic Plan takes a hard look at the overall structure of NABIP from what our Board and committees look like to how we structure membership dues. This process will allow us to evaluate how we operate and how we can deliver more value to our members. This structural analysis is a deep dive into many different areas and will result in big changes, updates and improvements.
We are very excited about our strategic initiatives and about how inclusive a process the NABIP Strategic Plan has been. NABIP is committed to moving forward in a positive way and looks forward to being on the cutting edge of positive developments now and in the future.