patient performing physical therapy with a nurse

Medicare Portal

NABIP is the only trade organization representing professional agents and brokers who work with Medicare beneficiaries and Medicare products. A long history of working on Medicare issues on Capitol Hill has resulted in strong relationships with legislators. In addition, growing influence with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) makes NABIP your valued choice for advocacy and professional development.

NABIP’s Medicare Advisory Group (MAG) is tasked to support staff and the Legislative Council with valuable insights into Medicare beneficiaries in the marketplace and issues affecting Medicare producers. The MAG also provides considerable input to staff on regulatory and legislative proposals affecting Medicare. Group members are selected for broad expertise and extensive knowledge of Medicare, Medicare products, and overlapping financing mechanisms.

NABIP’s Field Marketing Organization (FMO) Council members are distributors contracted with insurance carriers to recruit, train, support, manage compliance, process new business, and provide marketing assistance to licensed health insurance professionals. The FMO Council provides NABIP with extensive insights in the Medicare marketplace and from the large number of member and non-member insurance professionals they whom they work.

The sections below provide some basic information and resources on Medicare.