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Sep18Medicare Moments@ 3:00pm
Sep26New Member Orientation@ 12:00pm
Oct1Live Virtual Reference-Based Pricing Course@ 1:00pm
Oct4First Friday's Meeting with NABIP President Alycia Riedl@ 1:00pm
Oct24New Member Orientation@ 12:00pm
Nov1First Friday's Meeting with NABIP President Alycia Riedl@ 1:00pm
Nov28New Member Orientation@ 12:00pm
Dec6First Friday's Meeting with NABIP President Alycia Riedl@ 1:00pm
Dec26New Member Orientation@ 12:00pm
Jan3First Friday's Meeting with NABIP President Alycia Riedl@ 1:00pm
Jan23New Member Orientation@ 12:00pm
Feb7First Friday's Meeting with NABIP President Alycia Riedl@ 1:00pm
Feb232025 Capitol Conference@ 9:00am
Feb242025 Capitol Conference@ 9:00am
Feb252025 Capitol Conference@ 9:00am
Feb262025 Capitol Conference@ 9:00am