Member Recognition Committee
The Member Recognition Committee administers the Associations extensive awards program, which recognizes the achievements of its members. The awards honor both individual members and state and local chapters for dedicating countless hours serving the association and the industry.
Click here to see the Member Recognition Committee chair job description.

Leadership Development Committee
The Leadership Development Committee collaborates with the Regional Vice Presidents, committees and staff to provide resources for state and local chapters to excel in leadership development, operations and chapter management.
Click here to see the Leadership Development Committee chair job description.

NABIP Political Action Committee (NABIP PAC) Board of Trustees
The purpose of the NABIP Political Action Committee (PAC) is to raise funds from members for the purpose of supporting the political campaigns of candidates who believe in private sector solutions for the health and financial security of all Americans.
Click here to see the NABIP PAC Committee chair job description.

Legislative Council
The Legislative Council provides legislative advice to the Board of Trustees and promotes communication concerning NABIP legislative policy among members and chapters.
Click here to see the Legislative Council Committee chair job description.

Leading Producers Roundtable Committee
The LPRT Committee recognizes health insurance producers whose skill and experience have placed them among the most successful sales professionals in the industry, as measured by new sales and a maintained book of business. The committee sets and reviews the criteria for qualification and proposes means of publicly recognizing qualifiers.
Click here to see the Leading Producers Roundtable Committee chair job description.

Membership Council
The Membership Committee creates, develops and communicates effective tools that will assist state and local chapters for recruiting and retaining members. These tools will enhance the membership experience as value added benefits. The Membership Committee will work together with all other national committees to develop sound strategies to show the value of membership and grow the association.
Click here to see the Membership Council chair job description.

Nominations & Elections Committee
The Nominations & Elections Committee identifies and encourages potential association leaders to pursue positions of authority within their chapters and the national association, in order to provide the most diverse and qualified leadership at all levels of the association. The committee also reviews and adopts the procedures for credentialing delegates to vote for officers, reports to the House of Delegates on quorum and delegate credentialing information as well as supervises all ballot votes and tabulating and reporting the results of all votes.

Marketing & Communications Committee
The NABIP Marketing & Communication Committee will focus on providing tools to our local and state chapter leaders (Chapters) as well as members (Individuals) promoting the value NABIP brings to these respective stakeholders. In so much, our Chapters will be updated appropriately on the resources to help them run their respective chapters more efficiently for better results. Individuals will be alerted to the NABIP deliverables at their access to maximize their membership benefits. Additionally, the committee will expose all forms of media – via print, broadcast, and social – the initiatives and accomplishments of NABIP to elevate our standing in the healthcare and healthcare financing space. The committee will work to consistently have templates/presentations available and updated for Chapter “best practices” and Individuals to use for educating their clients and community groups in their respective areas. As it pertains to the “media”, the committee will provide guidelines for Chapters to develop working relationships inside media outlets as well as Letters-To-The-Editor, Press Releases, and support when it comes to sharing NABIP's messaging with Media outlets.

Professional Development Council
The Professional Development Council believes when we grow individually, our business grows exponentially. As such, it is committed to helping its members to "Be THE Best" by providing the tools to achieve this ultimate success. The Association recognizes that professional development is important for its members to grow, effectively compete, and be nimble in an ever-changing marketplace.
Click here to see the Professional Development Council chair job description.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee
To provide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEI&B) experiences that actively engages us in learning from each other to mitigate unconscious bias, educate on racial injustice, exclude discrimination of all forms, increase equity, and foster inclusion throughout the Association.
Click here to see the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging chair job description.