
Commission Alternatives - Fees and Requirements

Charge fee in addition to or in lieu of collecting commissions?
Specific Disclosures or written agreements required to charge fees to a client?
Admin fees for insurance placement?
Charges for services unrelated to the placement of insurance?
Additional licensing required?
Insurance producers may charge fees in lieu of commissions for insurance placement only if the fee is contemplated in the rate filing and included in the commission filed.  Producers may charge fees for services not related to insurance placement.  Colo. Dep't of Ins. Reg. 1-2-9
Yes.  A producer may charge a fee if a disclosure statement is signed by the client stating that there is no obligation to purchase any insurance product in exchange for the service;  no disclosure is required if it is clear from the outset that no insurance product sale related to the specific services rendered will occur through the producer.  Colo. Dep't of Ins. Reg. 1-2-9. 
Producers may charge fees for services not related to insurance placement.  Colo. Dep't of Ins. Reg. 1-2-9. 

Stop-Loss Information

Employer Size
Specific Stop Loss Restrictions
Aggregate Stop Loss Restrictions
Guaranteed Issue of Stop-Loss Policies
Other notes
§ 10-16-119
2-50 employers
Prohibits specific deductible limits below $20,000
Prohibits aggregate coverage attachment points of less than $20,000 per person, or 120% of expected claims, whichever is greater

Mandates reporting requirements on stop-loss carriers

Mandates disclosures to employers on renewability, limitations on coverage and contract terms concerning claims incurred but not yet paid by end of contract term

Prohibits lasers

Malpractice Damage Cap

Damage Cap Amount

State Code

$300,000 for noneconomic damages and $1 million for total damages.

Public Option


Effective Date

1332 Waiver 

Funding Source 

Program run by or to be run by (gov, insurers, others?)


Carrier participation - voluntary or mandatory?

Provider Participation

Provider reimbursement

Are there regional exclusions on provider payments?

Authorized under HB21-1232
Plans first available in 2023
Authorized (premium reduction targets contingent on approval)
Federal and state-funded subsidies via ACA PTCs and 1332 innovation waiver.
Government (Division of Insurance)
Individual, Small Group
Mandatory. Any carrier in individual and small-group markets must offer public option plans in each county in which they operate
Provider participation may be ordered following a public hearing, with penalties for noncompliant hospitals
Payment floors apply if state is setting rates; floors vary by provider type and specific circumstances but generally set above Medicare reimbursement rates