people sitting against a wall looking at mobile devices

House of Delegates

The House of Delegates provides chapters and their members with the formal opportunity to shape the direction of their association. Exercising this right, by sending delegates to the convention, is one of a chapter's greatest responsibilities.

House of Delegates Information

The House of Delegates will take place in Chicago on June 25, 2024

  • Voting will occur in-person in the House of Delegates.
  • Credentialing is a requirement for voting.
  • 2023 House of Delegates Minutes as approved by the NABIP Board of Trustees
  • House of Delegates Handbook

Who is represented in the House of Delegates?

NABIP's bylaws (Article XI) specifically identify the groups below as being represented in the House of Delegates (HOD). NABIP Board of Trustee members and former NABIP Presidents are not eligible to serve as chapter delegates, they serve as delegates for their respective groups. Lists of the Board and past presidents are posted below. 

A chapter is entitled to a minimum of three voting delegates. One additional voting delegate is allowed for each additional 50 active members over 100 members listed on the March Membership Report. State chapters are eligible to send up to a maximum of eight delegates to the House of Delegates. Local chapters have no such maximum.

Delegates and Alternate Delegates

Delegate and Alternate Delegate Appointment Information

  • Delegate Numbers by Chapter - Lists the number of delegates to which a chapter is entitled. This information is based on the March membership report and will be posted once that report has been completed.
  • Delegate Appointment Form - Form required to appoint chapter delegates and alternate delegates. Complete it and email it to no later than May 24, 2024. 
  • Who Can Be a Delegate? - Details the specific requirements about who can serve as a delegate as well as the special privileges of state chapter presidents. 

How Chapter Delegate Numbers are Determined

Each chapter is entitled to a minimum of three voting delegates. One additional voting delegate is allowed for each additional 50 active members over 100 members listed on the March membership report. State chapters are eligible to send up to a maximum of eight delegates to the House of Delegates. Local chapters have no such maximum.

Chapters may designate an alternate delegate for each one of its appointed delegates. An alternate delegate is used to replace a delegate who is unable to fulfill their voting duty. This transition occurs onsite at the Annual Convention during credentialing hours. The details of this process can be found below in the Credentialing Information section. All alternate delegates must be appointed by the May 24 deadline. 

A sample of how delegate numbers are assigned. State chapters are limited to eight delegates. 

  • Membership of 1-149 = 3 Delegates
  • Membership of 150-199 = 4 Delegates
  • Membership of 200-249 = 5 Delegates
  • Membership of 250-299 = 6 Delegates
  • Membership of 300-349 = 7 Delegates
  • Membership of 350-399 = 8 Delegates
  • Membership of 400-449 = 9 Delegates
  • Membership of 450-499 = 10 Delegates
  • Membership of 500-549 = 11 Delegates
  • Membership of 550-599 = 12 Delegates

Credentialing Information 

How to Get Credentialed - Once all of the chapters have submitted their delegate appointment information emails will be sent to each appointed delegate notifying them of their role and the credentialing requirements. The credentialing emails will go out in the beginning of June. 

How to Credential an Alternate Delegate - An alternate delegate does not get credentialed unless they are replacing an appointed delegate. The chapter leadership is responsible for communicating with the alternate delegate to let them know if they need to be credentialed. 

Being appointed as a delegate is not the same thing as being a credentialed delegate. You must be credentialed in order to be eligible to participate in the House of Delegates.

2024-2025 NABIP Board of Trustees

Only contested races are subjected to a vote. Regional Vice Presidents serve a two-year term. This year the even regions are up for election.  

President – Alycia Riedl
(Delegates do not vote for the President, as the President-elect automatically assumes this position.)
President-elect – Susan Rider
Vice President – David Smtih
Treasurer – Mychal Walker
Secretary – Stephanie Berger
Region 2 – Stacy Fry
Region 4 – Calleen Ideus
Region 6 – Kevin Trokey
Region 8 – Keith Wallace

Voting for all contested races will occur on Tuesday, June 25, in the House of Delegates.

Proposed Bylaws Amendments 

All Board of Trustees recommendations will be distributed to chapter officers, appointed delegates and posted here. 

The deadline for delegate appointments is Friday, May 24, 2023.

 Note: Delegate appointment is a separate process from convention registration. You must complete a convention registration form, and pay all applicable fees, to register for convention.

Send questions to Brooke Willson at