Submit Your Stories
Your experiences navigating health insurance are invaluable in shaping the future of healthcare policy. By sharing how an agent has helped you understand your coverage, enroll in Medicare or the Marketplace, resolve claims, or access affordable medications, you help legislators and decision-makers understand the critical role agents play in ensuring access to quality coverage. Your story can drive meaningful change and protect the services that matter most to you.
Medicare Agent & Broker Testimonials
We’ve heard from and connected with many of you in the last weeks and months about the challenges you and your clients are facing in light of the numerous policy and market changes within Medicare. We hear and share your frustration and the significant concerns that you have about the impacts these decisions have on your clients and your ability to serve them.
Use this survey to voice your concerns and propose solutions! These responses are critical to continuing to effectively advocate on your behalf both immediately and throughout the year when NABIP leaders and staff meet with lawmakers, regulators, state commissioners, and market leaders, among others.
Medicare Beneficiaries Testimonials
If you have worked with a health insurance agent to help you understand your coverage, enroll in Medicare, get help with a claims issue, or find affordable ways to get your medications, please take a few minutes to share your experience!
Legislators need to hear more from consumers about your experience navigating health insurance coverage and hearing the role an agent has or has not played in this journey.
Individual Plans Agent & Broker Testimonials
We’ve heard from and connected with many of you in the last several weeks and months about the challenges you and your clients are facing in light of the numerous policy and market changes within the individual plan market and negative press surrounding agents and brokers.
Use this survey to voice your concerns and propose solutions! These responses are critical to continuing to effectively advocate on your behalf both immediately and throughout the year when NABIP leaders and staff meet with lawmakers, regulators, state commissioners, and market leaders, among others.
Marketplace Enrollee Testimonials
If you have worked with a health insurance agent to help you understand your coverage, enroll in the Marketplace, get help with a claims issue, or find affordable ways to get your medications, please take a few minutes to share your experience!
Legislators need to hear more from consumers about your experience navigating health insurance coverage and hearing the role an agent has or has not played in this journey.