In the insurance business as in many other industries, some individuals seem to consistently be top producers. Not only are they top producers, they strive for excellence in their field and provide impeccable service to their clients. The top-notch way they do business means that their clients are happy, and that there are fewer service problems for you.
A top producer in the insurance industry is like a center of excellence in the medical arena. Their expertise in their field results in their ability to produce a significantly greater amount of business yet do so in a cost-effective manner. Their outcomes are better than those of other producers because of their dedication to excellence and the volume of business they produce.
At NABIP, we have a program designed to reward our members who are outstanding producers. That program is the Leading Producers Roundtable. LPRT qualifiers receive a number of free or discounted educational offerings and other services from us – after all they are the best of the best and we depend on their knowledge and dedication to their industry to help our own organization be the best.
Listen to this short audio message from former LPRT Chair Sam Nigro to discover his compelling reasons for joining LPRT.
LPRT Membership Application
- The deadline for all LPRT membership applications is May 31.
- If you are submitting applications for multiple individuals and they are all complete, contact Brooke Willson for the appropriate payment form.
- Please feel free to contact us if you have LPRT questions or issues with the online process at
The Leading Producers Round Table (LPRT) formed in 1942 to recognize the successful underwriters of accident and health insurance. Today, the LPRT committee is committed to making LPRT the premier program for top health, disability, long-term care and worksite marketing insurance producers, carrier reps, carrier management, and general agency/agency managers.
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