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Membership Reports

December 19, 2024  |  By:

Recruit new members and Win!

NABIP's GAIN contest (Get Agents Involved Now) rewards members, chapters and regions that excel at recruitment and retention. Check out the competitions below to see how you can participate. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact membership at or (844) 257-0990.

GAIN Competition Current Standings:
Monthly GAIN contest scores are posted around the 15th of the following month.

January 2025 - Membership Reports 

Please Note: The 2024-2025 GAIN contest runs from May 1 to April 30.

The following awards are given for the GAIN competition to one state and one chapter in each of the large, medium, small and tiny categories. A regional award is also given in each of the categories.

Recruiter of the Year
Honors the member who recruits the most new members in the last year.

100% Board
Honors each local, state and regional board where every board member tracked by NABIP recruits at least one new member during the GAIN contest year.  Click here for the guidelines.

Highest Growth Rate
Honors the chapter, state and region (each) that shows the highest growth rate for the past year.

Highest Retention Rate
Honors the chapter, state and region (each) with the highest retention rate for the past year.

Most New Members
Honors the chapter, state and region (each) adding the most new members during the past year.

NABIP Region of Membership Excellence
Each year, the region scoring highest in three different categories (most new members, highest growth rate, and highest retention rate) is presented with the coveted Region of Membership Excellence plaque. One state and one chapter in each of the large, medium, small and tiny categories is also awarded the honor of GAIN winner for that year.

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