overlooking a crowd during a large presentation


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Registered Employee Benefits Consultant® (REBC®) designation program, the student should be able to:

  • Describe the legal regulations and methodologies involved in benefits management
  • Describe the main features of commonly provided group insurance benefit plans, including applicable regulations, contract provisions, marketing, underwriting, rate making, plan design and cost containment
  • Describe the main components of the Affordable Care Act as they relate to group health benefits and ethically guide clients toward compliance with the legal regulations while minimizing tax penalties and related employment costs
  • Identify the main features of employer-provided benefits
  • Describe the COBRA election process, and explain the rules that apply to the determination and payment of the COBRA election process, and explain the rules that apply
  • Understand core ethical business practices
  • HIPAA Privacy and Security and ERISA regulations and requirements


The total cost of your Registered Employee Benefits Consultant® (REBC®) designation program will vary depending on which of the electives you choose for your program of study. Please verify your state CE approval prior to enrollment.

There is no order of completion for the courses in order to obtain your REBC designation.

To view your current progress, login to your Online Learning Institute account and visit the "My designation" section for a breakdown of your progress and requirements. 

Required Curriculum

$179 NABIP Members
$235 Non-Members

$595 NABIP Members
$775 Non-Members

$495 NABIP Members
$645 Non-Members

ACA and Beyond: A Modern Look at Employee Benefits (CE status by state) OR Employer-Sponsored Plans in a Post ACA Era OR the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Certification (These courses have been sunset.)

$595 NABIP Members
$775 Non-Members

The total cost of the required curriculum is $1,864 for members and $2,430 for non-members. Save $566 by becoming a NABIP member today!

Electives (Choose 3)

$246.40 NABIP Members

Benefits Account Manager Certification (Fourth Edition) (This course is being updated) OR the third edition (The third edition has been sunset.)

$495 NABIP Members
$645 Non-Members

Consumer Driven Health Care Certification
(This course has been sunset.)

$210.10 NABIP Members
$275 Non-Members

$304.70 NABIP Members
$401.50 Non-Members

$210.10 NABIP Members
$275 Non-Members

$304.70 NABIP Members
$401.50 Non-Members

$210.10 NABIP Members
$275 Non-Members