Welcome back, one and all, to NABIP’s Healthcare Happy Hour podcast. Earlier this week, the association submitted our response to a Request for Information, or RFI, from the House Education and Workforce Committee. The RFI focused on the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (much more commonly referred to as ERISA). In light of the law’s 50th anniversary, the committee issued this RFI to stakeholders to see what areas surrounding ERISA that may benefit from new legislation to reflect how healthcare is delivered today, so it is crucial that NABIP be a part of this conversation.
Additionally, this will be the final episode of the Healthcare Happy Hour hosted and produced by NABIP’s Dan Parker. We will all miss “the Voice of NABIP,” who has been a staple of the podcast for the last few years – but we are also excited about what the future holds for the Happy Hour!

Do you have a topic you’d like us to cover or a question you would like us to address in an upcoming podcast?
If so, send us an email here.