Healthcare Happy Hour

Optimizing ALE Compliance with ICHRA – A Strategic Guide for Brokers and Agents

September 15, 2023  |  By: NABIP
Legislative  |  ICHRA


Health insurance professionals who in the employer market are acutely aware of health reimbursement arrangements, commonly shortened to HRAs, and how they work. However, the world of individual coverage HRAs, or ICHRAs, is a relatively new form coverage that employers and brokers alike are still learning how to utilize effectively.

On this week’s episode of the Healthcare Happy Hour, sponsored by Remodel Health, NABIP’s Dan Parker is joined by Justin Clemets co-founder and chief ICHRA officer, Travis Hall, VP of marketing, and John Staub, director of outreach, to discuss how ALEs can utilize ICHRAs, tailoring ICHRAs for various employee classes, broader potential of ICHRAs for different types of reimbursements, and how the Family Glitch fits into all this.

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